Keeping this blog up to date has been a bit of an issue over the summer, what with many landscaping projects, staining of decks and many other homey projects (none of which were exactly first priority for me,, but....) but as we now have a hard date for the metal surgery (Nov 23), I did manage to get a few things done. (and a visit to the old country, Bangkok)
When we last wrote, I had managed to get the engine removed with out too many fatalities. I had even received the COA from Porsche (see the identification section of the blog). The next item up was removing the internals of the doors.
Above are two pics of the doors with the door internal skins removed. Ron Rowlands book seemed to make a major point of problems and alternate methods of removing the internals but it was fairly straight forward. Even the bolts were fairly easy to remove. The fuzzy strips at the top door edges died during the attempt but the carcasses will be used for replacements.
Door Internals on the bench:
An interesting thing was the Porsche inspector's initials and the '23' door stampings on the door near the window actuator. (same on both doors)
That's another item to add to the identification section of the blog. But it does seem that all of the bodypanels are stamped 23 (87823) and the gearbox, engine, etc. are all as specified in the COA.
Also, bodywise, was the removal of the door and rear deco and spears. All managed to come off the clips (ok, well a few clips died) with out any drama. But here will be the worlds supply of parts cleaning when this dissassembly is done.
As I mentioned, this is a blog catchup. No major dramas so far in the disassembly. The parts match, a few bolts and screws have been sacrificed and the project, albeit delayed, is still moving forward. The real interesting part of this will be in the metal surgery.
I'll do another update tomorrow and chat about the shifter, seats, and radio removals. Many more pics to post as well.
The real focus over the next few weeks will be the instrument panel. Electrics and wiring are not my friend so I'll be taking more major notes on this.
As always, please drop a comment if you wish or contact me direct for any information. I have many more detailed notes on the various bits removed thus far and will be happy to share any ideas.
And if you don't want to post any comments, well, don't.
It's Friday at 4 and I am off to the pub,
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